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Month: November 2021

Tom Gauld Cain's Jawbone cover

24 November 2021

Cain’s Jawbone goes viral!

10,000 more copies of literary mystery Cain’s Jawbone are being reprinted after the book sold out when a clip went viral on TikTok. The book, published originally in 1934, was republished in 2019 by the Laurence Sterne Trust and Unbound. It was such a success, even after the solution was found and the prize won […]

Peter Coates asterisk plinth

24 November 2021

New Plinth for Laurence Sterne

Rounding the corner in the Garden Room at Shandy Hall, one comes face to face with Laurence Sterne, or the nearest likeness to him that we have. The marble bust, sculpted by Joseph Nollekens, had for too long been standing on an unworthy support. Earlier this year, stone-carver Peter Coates, who has worked with the […]