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Showing results for ”2006“ · Found 4 results
Leben und Ansichten von Tristram Shandy. (German Tristram Shandy)
Leben und Ansichten von Tristram Shandy. (German Tristram Shandy)
La Vida Y Las Opiniones Del Caballero Tristram Shandy. Los Sermones De Mr Yorick (In Spanish)
This volume is bound in glossy photo-printed card covers.
Laurence Sterne Tristram Shandy Beyefendi'nin Hayati ve Gorusleri. The Second Edition. (In Turkish)
This volume is fully bound in lemon-coloured glossy card covers with the title, author, translator and publication information printed onto the front cover and spine. Introduction by Orhan Pamuk (for translation see 'Other Colours' an anthology by …
The Shandean. Volume 17 November 2006. An annual volume devoted to Laurence Sterne and his Works.
This volume is fully bound in green book cloth/buckram. The front and rear paste-down's and free end-pages are comprised of single sheets of pale grey paper. To the rear of the volume are 2 pages of advertisments. On the last page are the printers …