The Works of Laurence Sterne, In Seven Volumes; Containing The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent. A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy; Sermons, Letters &c. With a Life of the Author, Written by Himself.
This volume is fully bound in speckled calf covered boards with green mottling to the edges of the textblock. Pasted onto the centre of the front free end-page is a previous owners bookplate with the name "James Fenning" underneath the Stag's head image. In the top left corner is a small white label with "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall". Written in pencil adjacent are bibliographers comments. The Printers details are printed to the foot of the rear of the title page and the last page. Printed for : Johnson, J & Robinson, G. and Robinson, J. & Becket, T. & Baldwin, R. & Hookham & Co. & Strahan, A. & Lowndes, W. & Wilkie, G. & Ogilvy and Son & Walker, J. & Stockdale, J. & Lackington, Allen and Co. & Longman and Rees & Cadell and Davies & Nunn, J. & Lea, R. & Murray and Highley.