The Works of Laurence Sterne, A.M. Prebendary of York, and Vicar of Sutton on the Forest, and of Stillington near York. With The Life of the Author in Six Volumes. The Seventh Volume contains the Postumous Works of Laurence Sterne. The Fourth Edition.
This volume is fully bound in mottled leather over boards. The front paste-down has 4 labels;Within the centre is a large previous owners bookplate which has had a second previous owners bookplate pasted over it, however in pencil "This bookplate is of John Bellingham". The second bookplate depicts a coat of arms with "Deum Cole Regem Serva" in capitols with "The Earl of Enniskillen" underneath. On the top left side and partially covering the book plates are "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall" and underneath "Property of the L S trust, 1986". Also, on the bottom of the page written in pencil is "7 vols 4/10/z". On the top of the front free end-page written in pencil is "30 AM Fletcher" (which is possibly a further previous owner?). The catchword is to the bottom right of every page. On the reverse of the title page is a stamp with "Laurence Sterne Trust Shandy Hall" with "The Kenneth Monkman collection" is on the obverse of this page.