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Sterneiana V. 1) A Genuine Letter from a Methodist Preacher in the Country, to Laurence Sterne by Anonymous. First printed in 1760 for S. Vandenbergh, London. 2) A Letter ...to the Rev. Laurence Sterne by Whitfield, Rev. George. First printed 1760, London. 3) Explanatory Remarks upon the Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy by Anonymous. First printed 1760 for E. Cabe, London. 4) A Funeral Discourse Occasioned by the Death of Mr. Yorick by Anonymous. First printed 1761 for W. Nicoll, London. 5) Tristram Shandy's Description of General Elections and Septennial Parliaments, by Anonymous. First printed 1762 for R. Lewis, Dublin and 6) Miss C--y's Cabinet of Curiosities,... by Anonymous. First printed 1765 for W. Whirligig, Utopia.

This volume is fully bound in crimson book cloth over boards, hollow back spine. The front paste-down has 2 labels on the top left side "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall" with underneath "Property of the L S Trust, 1986". Printed on the reverse of the title page are the publishers and printers details and also the circular stamp "Laurence Sterne Trust, Shandy Hall" with "Kenneth Monkman Collection" inside. Dividing both volumes is a piece of crimson card, which is slightly smaller than the rest of the text block.