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Contemporary Artworks

The Laurence Sterne Trust has developed a reputation for commissioning new work from artists inspired by Laurence Sterne. These artworks are often unique to Shandy Hall.

Please find below a selection of different artworks at Shandy Hall. To find a specific item in the Shandy Hall Collection search the Catalogue.

Diamond Window by Anne Vibeke Mou

A Sentimental Journey by Brian Dettmer

A Sentimental Journey by Brian Dettmer

contemporary black and white image of juxtaposed portraits of Sterne

Hafen Slawkenbergius, Hermes Trismegistus, Licetus Fortunio : God Bless / Deuce Take ’em All by Paul Brandford

Large detail of final full-stop in Tristram Shandy

Full Stop (The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman) by Scott Myles

drawing of a book with a labyrinth carved into the cover

Original artwork by Andrzej Krauze

cut-paper representation of the plotlines in tristram shandy

Tristram Shandy’s Lines of Narrative by Felix Bennett

model of a ship with two bows

Without Sterne by Nancy Fouts

small model of laurence sterne sitting, feet crossed at the ankles

The Starling by Adeline Newman

treated book showing cutout scenes from Tristram Shandy

Tristram Shandy by Brian Dettmer

Uncle Toby Jug, with coloured decorative glazes (small)

Uncle Toby Jug, with coloured decorative glazes (small)

Uncle Toby Jug, with coloured decorative glazes (large)

Uncle Toby Jug, with coloured decorative glazes (large)

circle of drawings of overlapping wildflowers with coloured dots

What a Wilderness it has Been!

book standing open on end

Chapter XXIV – The Missing Chapter, by Craig Dworkin