Home > Moths > 10 June 2013 – New Moth Admirers at Coxwold Open Gardens.

10 June 2013

10 June 2013 – New Moth Admirers at Coxwold Open Gardens.

Yesterday we had a good variety of catches, perfect for showing visitors during the Coxwold Open Gardens! Our Poplar Hawk-moth was by far the crowd favorite. The bright greenish-yellow Brimstone Moth and the two Scorched Wings were complimented on their colors, and our multitude of fluffy White Ermine slept peacefully in a bunch as their admirers watched. Also among the group was a newcomer to Shandy Hall, the Scalloped Hazel (Odontopera bidentata) and a moth we’ve seen, but haven’t documented before, the Sandy Carpet (Perizoma flavofasciata).

Scalloped Hazel (Odontopera bidentata)

The Scalloped Hazel looks like it’s trying to blend in with the cage bottom. For those who missed it yesterday, it was doing a very good job of hiding. Odous or odontos means in Greek ‘a tooth’ and peras ‘the end.’ Here they refer to the tooth-like edges on the Scalloped Hazel’s wings. Bidens, in Latin ‘having two teeth,’ indicate two of the tooth-like curves on the wing that are bigger than the rest.

Sandy Carpet (Perizoma flavofasciata)

The Sandy Carpet, as with most carpets, was not inclined to stick around for long. It escaped earlier in the afternoon for those who didn’t see it. Perizoma ‘a girdle’ refers to a band or bands of color on the wings resembling a belt. These may be more pronounced in other moths of the same genus. Flavus ‘yellow’ and fascia ‘a band’ describe the Sandy Carpet’s characteristic yellowish belt.

Bucculatrix thoracella taking off
Bucculatrix thoracella

 With a change of position for our moth trap, we caught a new micromoth a few days ago, which has now been identified as Bucculatrix thoracella. Dr. Chesmore emailed me believing this identification is correct, though he would like to look for pupal cases later in the year on the large lime tree in the field opposite.  Bucculatrix is a relatively new species in Yorkshire and the cases, if found, will confirm its identity.  The moth is as eager and energetic as its colors might suppose, barely sitting still more than a second for me to take a photograph. Buccula refers to the large antennal eyecaps covering a good portion of the moth’s head. Thorax or thoracis refers to the moth’s yellow thorax, which is the same color as the wings. Along with the Scalloped Hazel, this brings our moth species count to 261.

For anyone interested in looking at some more moths up close, there is a special moth evening this coming Friday for National Gardens Scheme.  Dr. Chesmore will be here to identify moths and you can enjoy the gardens as the sun begins to set – if the rain holds off.

– Post by Jane Wu