Home > Moths > 9 September 2012 – Rhomboid Tortrix

10 September 2012

9 September 2012 – Rhomboid Tortrix

Rhomboid Tortrix (Acleris rhombana)

The name is too good to disregard.  Named after the parallelogram shape on the forewing, this moth displays the most intricate net-like pattern of intersecting lines.  The apex of the wings is also pointed – a diagnostic that should indicate the identification is accurate. The Rhomboid Tortrix can be found all over the UK and the food plants include a wide range of trees and shrubs.  It is a new species for the garden and is the 241st visitor.

Centre-barred Sallow (Atethmia centrago)

 The Centre-barred Sallow has been recorded before, but not photographed.  It is a tiny piece of autumn slightly ahead of its time.  The Latin name encourages a digression – ethmia means ‘spotted’, in the way a colander or a sieve is spotted or sprinkled with dots; atethmia means ‘unspotted’.  So this moth differs from Ethmia pyrausta (‘a moth that gets singed in the candle’) by not being spotted. Search UK moths by putting ethmia in the search box and you will see some very spotted examples. Whether the logic of the nomenclature becomes clear I will leave to you.