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Showing results for ”Reynolds“ · Found 38 results
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards, and the edges of the text block have been stained green. Both the front and rear paste-downs and end-pages are comprised of 1 page of marbled paper (French Curl on Turkish Background pattern (?). …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1.
This volume is fully bound in mottled leather over boards, and the edges of the text block have red mottling. The front paste-down has 2 labels; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall", underneath this is "Property of the L S Trust, …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards, and the edges of the text block have red mottling. The front paste-down has 3 labels; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall", adjacent to this is "Property of the L S Trust, 1986". …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 2.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards, and the edges of the text block have red mottling. The front paste-down has 3 labels; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall", underneath this is "Property of the L S Trust, 1986". …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1 and Volume 2.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards with red mottling to the text block edges. The volume has been wrapped in a thick piece of paper which has areas died brown to simulate leather. The front paste-down has 2 labels; "From the Library …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1 and Volume 2.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards. The front paste-down has 3 labels; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall", underneath this is "Property of the L S Trust, 1986". Within the centre of the page is a bookplate pasted …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1.
This volume is fully bound in leather and the edges of the text block have red mottling. The front paste-down has 3 labels; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall", underneath this is "Property of the L S Trust, 1986". Within the centre …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. Third Edition.
This volume is fully bound in leather and the edges of the text block have feint evidence of red dye. The front paste-down has 2 labels; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall", underneath this is "Property of the L S Trust, 1986". On …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. Fourth Edition.
This volume is fully bound in leather and the edges of the text block have feint evidence of red mottling. The front paste-down has 4 labels; Within the centre of the page is a large bookplate of a previous owner with a heraldic device in the centre …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. Seventh Edition.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards. The front paste-down has 3 labels; Within the centre is a large bookplate of a previous owner with "James Duckworth Wood". On the top left is "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall", …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1 and Volume 2.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards with red mottling to the edges of the text block. The rear board is missing and the volume has been wrapped in a thick piece of paper which has areas dfied brown to simulate leather. The front …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1 and Volume 2.
This volume is half bound in leather over boards with the remaining in marbled paper (nonpareil pattern?) the edges of the text block have red mottling. The front paste-down has 2 labels on the top left side; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. Eleventh Edition.
This volume is fully bound in leather. The front paste-down has 3 labels. Within the centre is a previous owners bookplate with a cypher "E F" inside a garter with "In God Is All" in capitols around the edge. Above this is an Ostrich holding a …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volumes I and II
This volume is bound with marbled paper covered boards (French Curl on Wide Combed Pattern) with a leather covered spine. The front paste-down has 2 small white labels pasted onto the top left corner; "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. Twelfth Edition.
This volume is fully bound in vellum over boards with 6 stitches in vellum on either side of the spine. Both front and rear past-down and free end-page are comprised of 1 page of marbled paper (Turkish?) which has been sewn onto the binding,.The …
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman. Volume 1.
This volume is fully bound in leather over boards. The edges of the text block have red mottling. The front paste-down has 4 labels; within the centre is a large previous owners book plate with a heraldic device with "Regulier et Vigoureux Pacem …
The Works of Laurence Sterne; In Four Volumes. Containing The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gent, A Sentimental Journey Through France and Italy, Sermons, Letters etc. With a Life of The Author, Written by himself.
This volume is bound in calf leather over boards. The paste-downs and end-pages are comprised from single sheets of marbled paper (Dahlia pattern and each volume in this set has the same marbled paper). The edges of the text block are stained a deep …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. Sixth Edition.
This volume is fully bound in speckled leather with red mottling to the edges of the text block. The front paste-down has 2 labels; pasted onto the top left is "From the Library at Shandy Hall" and pasted underneath is "Given to the L S Trust by …
The volume is bound with plain board (cardboard) covers and a paper spine. On the front paste down are 3 labels; within the centre is a pasted a label with "The Stourport Permanent Subscription Library. Allowed to be kept 7 days". On the top left …
The Sentimental Journey By Laurence Sterne. With one-hundred Illustrations by T.H. Robinson.
This volume is bound in blue tooled buckram boards with gilt writing and images, and gilt edges to the text block. The paste-down's and end-pages are comprised from single sheets of dark blue paper. The front paste-down has 2 labels on the top left …
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman. By Laurence Sterne. In Two Volumes, Volume 1
This volume is bound in green buckram boards. The front paste-down has 3 labels; within the centre is a large previous owners bookplate with an image of a cottage with "Ex Oriente Lux" inside with top "Ex Libris" and bottom "J.Johnston Abraham" …
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman. By Laurence Sterne. In Two Volumes, Vol. II.
This volume is bound in green buckram boards. The front paste-down has 3 labels; within the centre is a large previous owners bookplate with an image of a cottage with "Ex Oriente Lux" inside with top "Ex Libris" and bottom "J.Johaston Abraham" …
The Life and Times of Laurence Sterne. First Edition
This volume is bound in dark blue buckram boards, with the top edge of the text block in gilt. The front paste-down has 2 labels; On the top left side "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall" with underneath "Property of the L S Trust, …
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy Gentleman. In Two Volumes. Volume I
This volume is fully bound in blue/grey paper covered boards. Pasted onto the front paste-down are 2 small labels with "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall" with underneath "Property of the LS Trust, 1986". Written in pencil is "Japan …
Laurence Sterne; The Making of a Humorist. First Edition.
This volume is bound in pale brown-pink book cloth with a grey paper cover which has itself been covered in plastic. The front paste-down has 2 labels on the top left side "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall" with underneath …
Wild Excursions; The Life and Fiction of Laurence Sterne.
This volume is fully bound in light brown cloth covered boards and also a decorated paper cover which has been covered in plastic at a later date. The front paste-down has 1 label on the top left hand corner "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at …
Laurence Sterne, A Life
This volume is fully bound in dark blue/black cloth covered boards and also a decorated paper cover which has been covered in plastic at a later date. The front paste-down has 1 label: "From the Library at Shandy Hall". Written on the front …
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman. Volume 1. The Third Edition.
Volume fully bound in speckled calf covered boards. Pasted onto the top left corner of the front paste down are 2 small white labels "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall" with underneath "Property of the L S Trust, 1986"; written in …
This volume is fully bound in moroccan green leather over boards with end-pages comprised of single sheets of marbled paper (Shell on Turkish Pattern). The edges of the text block are speckled red and green. The front paste-down has 1 label; on the …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. A New Edition
The volume is fully bound in speckled calf covered boards, with red mottled edges to the textblock. Pasted onto the top left of the front paste-down is a small white label with "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall". Written in pencil …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. The Tenth Edition
The volume is fully bound in speckled calf covered boards, with red mottled edges to the textblock. Pasted onto the top left of the front paste-down is a small white label with "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall". Written in pencil …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. The Twelfth Edition
The volume is fully bound in marbled calf covered boards and green edges to the textblock. The end-pages are comprised of single sheets of marbled paper (French Curl on Nonpareil Pattern). Pasted onto the top left of the front paste-down is a small …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. The First Edition
The volume is fully bound in late nineteenth century ox-blood coloured crushed morocco leather covered boards, with gilt edges to the text-block. The end-pages are comprised of single sheets of grey-blue paper. Pasted onto the centre of the front …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. The Sixth Edition
The volume is fully bound in leather covered boards, with red mottling to the edges to the text-block. Pasted onto the centre of the front paste down is a previous owners bookplate with the name "Penry Williams" underneath the armorial device and …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume 1. A New Edition.
The volume is fully bound in Tree Marbled leather covered boards. Pasted onto the top left corner is a small white label with "From the Library of Kenneth Monkman at Shandy Hall". There are various hand-written bibliographic notes adjacent to this …
This volume is bound in tooled burgundy coloured boards with end-pages comprised from single sheets of marbled paper (Gold Vein overprinted on Shell on Turkish Pattern). All edges of the textblock are gilt. Pasted onto the top left corner of the …
This volume is bound in tooled burgundy coloured boards with end-pages comprised from single sheets of marbled paper (Gold Vein overprinted on Shell on Turkish Pattern). All edges of the textblock are gilt. Pasted onto the top left corner of the …
The Sermons of Mr. Yorick. Volume I. The Eleventh Edition
This volume is fully bound in calf covered boards. Pasted onto the front paste-down is a large previous owners bookplate with "Francis Longe. Spixworth Park, Norfolk" underneath the motto "Sine Cerere Et Baccho Friget Venus" underneath an elaborate …